Be —> Have

How you act (be) now is commensurate with the experiences (people, places & things) you will have later.



Important to remember that railing against what you don’t want attracts more of what you don’t want.

Digging up old memories of similar situations is why history repeats itself.






Because the only constant in ‘reality’ is change, the mindful constantly seek to cognize the new and the presumably unaware constantly seek to recognize the familiar.


Embrace the unknown – your lifeline to reality. 

Enjoy the known – as a movie and not your reality.


The other day I received a phone call that gave me pause.  Someone I know quite well was pleading with me to vote for the presidential candidate of their choosing.  They had seen videos and heard expert testimony about the perils that will befall our country if the other guy wins the election.  I have seen this sort of projection on myriad topics, many of which fall within the purview of a candidate’s platform. Topics ranging from healthcare, to global economics, to environmental policies, education and morality are a wellspring of catastrophic predictions on either end of the spectrum.  I gave my usual response:

  • The act of noticing the relationship between cause and effect is realization.
  • Paying attention to any aspect  of cause and effect (potential or actual) with strong emotion and/or absolute certainty (belief) is the process of real-ization.  WE make it real or perpetuate it.  Our attention transforms potential to actual/real.  Knock and the door will open.  Seek and ye shall find. 
  • This is the fulfillment of The Law of Attraction.  What we call ‘reality’ is actually bundles of like energy & information vibrating at the speed of light held together by a force we call electromagnetism. 
  • We attract our experiences. Like attracts like. The outcome is determined by the observer’s expectation.. That is why science uses double-blind studies and placebos. It is also why they cannot get a certain predictable outcome…ever.
  • Paying attention to what is not wanted is equal to asking for it
  • We are not here to fix.  We are here to CREATE. 
  • Let it be.  Accept.  Contribute with a positive, loving vision with unwavering faith in the goodness of all.  It is possible to be of service and value in EVERY situation without having to denigrate what is or who is doing what! You will like what you see.  I promise.

These Truths are undeniable and inescapable.  They agree with every religion, philosophy, science, tradition, experience, etc.  They need as much belief as electricity.  Having awakened to this reality, I marvel at how I can ever fall back to sleep!  Having once been blind, why do I ever choose not to see again for a time?  It begins when I puff with the pride of ‘righteous’ thinking.  It is my old nemesis, that ignorant perception, which urges me to judge captiously making me think I know better or am better than another.  It is always followed by a faint twinge, a constriction, or uneasiness. 


Thankfully I know now that my discomfort is my IGS (Inner Guidance System) alerting me to the fact that I am real-izing what I do not want.  I need to stop fault-finding and recognize that my thinking is wrong.  I am at once profoundly appreciative of the fact that I can never be permanently lost again.  I know the way out of my messes now.  Fortunately, I no longer stay in the discord and can re-awaken. Then, if I have taken my ignorance to the point where an apology or amends is necessary, I do so promptly and get back to the business of joyously creating my vision.


The person that placed that persuasive phone call to me replied with a very familiar caveat explaining that after years of listening to me sing this refrain, finally embracing these Truths was life-changing; BUT this political situation is scary, urgent, and it is a reality!  That is like saying gravity applies to small items and not large ones.  Many of my clients are ‘successful’ individuals who know these Truths and revere the great masters and agree whole-heartedly with that which is undeniable and yet they defend ‘justifiable resentments,’ embrace a sweatshop mentality with regard to work, believe in competition, compromise themselves and their hearts desire for ‘security,’ and beat themselves up for missteps, etc. 


It is important to discern and make choices.  That is why we are alive.  In order to experience the joy of creating, it is necessary to make choices – that make us feel loving, open, inclusive and expansive.  Any sense of physical or emotional constriction is your sign that you are momentarily on a path to destruction.  Let go for a moment.  Release what you are resisting.  You will be creating/contributing again in an instant.  You can create the life of your choosing…adhering to this simple formula. If you make a habit of shifting your perception from positive to negative, denigration to elevation, destruction to creation, etc. and observe the results, you will know that this Truth is self-evident.  


I will enter the voting booth in November and make the choice that seems  most in line with my vision of joy and peace at the time – knowing the only thing that really matters is that I elevate all that I behold and nurture a vision of joy and peace and love regardless of who is “in charge!”  How reassuring to know that this is not wishful, Pollyanna thinking…that the science is there to back it up.  The Beatles are absolutely correct.  All you need is love.




  If you have no faith and enjoy health, wealth and joyous relationships, it makes sense to continue relying on your own power. 

 If you have no faith and you feel incomplete, why not borrow mine? 

It will work just as well.  Believe that I believe.

Your belief is not needed for use. Your decision is!

If you have faith but feel incomplete, doubt has corrupted your faith.

~Laura B. Nash



How can I get rid of my anxiety? Why am I so anxious? Why can’t I catch a break? Do we make our luck or are some people just born with it?  Will I ever have peace of mind?  Why doesn’t anyone appreciate me? I have tried everything and I just can’t seem to get there…how can I get my life where I want it to be? How can I stop this awful habit? Why can’t I leave her/him? Why do I keep doing this? Why can’t I leave my job? Am I really stuck? How can I get rid of my jealousy? Is it good to be suspicious? Why does it seem like everyone is happier than me? Why do bad things happen to good people? I have been TRYING SO HARD to stay positive and I don’t see any difference – what am I doing WRONG?????



Week 1: TOOLS – What You Need To Know


This is why we have emotional and physical reactions to stories being played out on a movie screen – and to situations throughout our day that actually have nothing to do with us. Exhaustive scientific research has failed to locate the consciousness (aka awareness, presence, thinker, observer, conscience, etc.) that appears from time to time throughout the movie – and throughout our day – to remind the brain of the truth.

FEAR = Fantasized Evil Appearing Real

Most people have not been trained to cultivate and keep up a disciplined connection with this presence or “present moment awareness.” As a result they have very little power to control the behavior of their conditioned mind.  Events from the past leave an imprint on the brain.  Later when seemingly similar circumstances present themselves, the brain will issue warning signals.  If we are not paying attention (present/aware) we will believe the brain’s interpretation of  imminent danger and react accordingly.  We are re-acting the plot from a situation that may have happened years ago and have no relevance to the current situation whatsoever!  If we are in the moment, we open ourselves to the possibility of a different interpretation.  We can choose to respond differently and experience an entirely different outcome.  When we respond we pause to respire and ponder.

Present moment awareness frees me from being held hostage by my past.

Free Introduction to Meditation

Sunday, October 30, 2011  

The Center for Relaxation & Healing  Chatham,NJ

Alternatively, you may join us live via teleconference.

You choose!  Simply make your selection on the registration page. The details of the teleconference can be found when you register.  Please feel free to invite as many friends as you like and forward this announcement to anyone yoiu know that may benefit from this information.

Stressed?  Anxious?

OverloadOver-thinking?  Angry?  Pressured?

  • Learn why meditation is so important for well-being and peace of mind.
  • Decide whether level one or leveltwo is the most appropriate choice for you:
    1. Simply and effectively change the way you feel employing various medataive relaxation techniques.
    2. Discover the seemingly miraculous, life-changing benefits of a formal meditation practice.
  • 30 minutes will be devoted to Q&A and/or guided meditation as time allows.

Register Now!


The unknown is our playground. 

The known is our graveyard.




becomes a top priority, when one fully understands that form follows thought,
regardless of the thinker’s intention.
We reap what we sew in thought, word and deed, the most potent of which, is thought!




Stress is the root of all dysfunction in our lives, physically, emotionally or socially. Proper meditation is one of the most powerful antidotes to stress, along with a sense of purpose and meaningful relationships (with ourselves as well as others). With Laura’s guidance, you will learn to effortlessly meditate your way to:
• gain mastery over your inner dialogue
• acquire peace of mind
• sharpen your focus and mental clarity
• improve relationships on all levels (intimate, familial, social and business)
• maintain balance and calm through adversity
• choose your circumstances instead of reacting to them
• experience a profound sense of satisfaction and fullment day to day
• live a life of meaning and purpose

For more information or to register, click the link below:


Click here for details.