Just before Christmas when I was 7 years old my dad died and I experienced a life altering paradigm shift.  It was as if the curtains closed at the end of an act on the stage of my life and when they reopened, the scenery had completely changed leaving me feeling unsafe and bewildered.  As a result, I can rationalize, deny and forget anything.  It is a mechanism I employed to make sense my unfathomable reality.  It helped me survive the grief and terror that threatened my sanity for decades and felt life threatening.  I thought I was safe in my head even though I knew on some subconscious level that I didn’t feel safe.  This ‘survival’ mechanism carried me until I was 35 years old when it backfired for the last time.

At the age of 35 I experienced another paradigm shift.  I could no longer escape my reality. I had to embark on that treacherous journey from my head, where I rationalized my experiences, to my heart, where I began realizing them.  When I ‘surrendered’ and began processing my crippling feelings of grief, rage, shame, resentment, etc., something amazing happened.  I learned that the seemingly miraculous solution to any of my ‘problems’ is contained within my deepest fears! When I began to feel the feelings I had resisted, I made some critical discoveries:

  1. That which I resist persists.
  2. My emotions won’t kill me.
  3. Emotions are simply energy in motion.

    EMOTION = Energy in Motion

  4. My emotions they cannot pass if I resist/deny/stuff/block them.
  5. When I feel my feelings, I can release them and drop my ‘baggage.’
  6. Once I process the emotion, I discover that “peace that passes all understanding” rationally.
  7. Established in this peace of mind I am able to and I want to stay in present moment awareness.
  8. The Intelligence and the Power that creates worlds exists only in the present moment.
  9. Connected to that Power – my fears slip away and I gain ‘control’ of my life.
  10. When I feel a constricting emotion it is my sign that I am shutting down, resisting my experience, and cutting myself off from the Power to change that  undesirable experience .
  11. When I accept the experience as it is, I return to the present and the Power it has.  A feeling of expansion results.
  12. The ‘control’ (over my thoughts, words, deeds and experiences) that I craved was in my Awareness all along!
  13. As long as I was looking for that Power and Control over my life ‘out there,’ it would remain illusive.
  14. This EOS  (Emotional Operating System) is my infallible IGS – Internal Guidance System.  If I remain aware and pay attention to it, it will guide me to the life of my dreams and deepest desires.

I can think of many examples in life when I ignored the wisdom of my IGS and paid a steep price.  One obvious example was in my early twenties when I took a job as a mortgage-backed securities bond broker.  I was about to become the only woman on a dog-eat-dog bond-trading floor.  I had many reasons for taking the job despite a nagging ‘sinking’ feeling.  I was unable to show up for my first week on the job because I had colitis, which in retrospect was my IGS on overdrive, desperately trying to get my attention.  I had stuffed every emotion that surfaced before and after taking the job because I was in survival mode.  I felt that I had to stuff the grief associated with selling my soul to survive because I believed I had to take that job.  The disease I developed as a result of my dis-ease with my decision forced me stop physically.  But since I refused to stop mentally long enough to just be in the present moment, I delayed my discovery of true Power.

I was extremely ‘successful” and convinced myself that I was in control (happy, safe and secure).  I went on compromising my integrity for years saying and doing things that made me so uncomfortable I could hardly stand in my skin…another feeling I worked at denying !  Every year it became more difficult to contain all the trapped energy of my repressed emotions.  Finally at age 35, I reached the tipping point. Choices I made (albeit unconsciously) resulted in a situation that I would typically have denied, but at that particular moment, I could not house another emotion without imploding.  As a result, I accepted reality in the moment and suddenly, in touch with true Power, all my walls collapsed instantly and I stepped into this new miraculous paradigm.




 Everywhere you go, there YOU are!


The quality of our relationships with others reflects the quality of our relationship with ourSelves.  If our relationships feel good, it is because we have a strong connection with our Source, our IGS (Internal Guidance System). As always, the reverse it true.  The only change, which can favorably impact any of our relationships, must occur within ourselves.


 Watch my blog for a link to my podcast discussing this in depth!





How can I get rid of my anxiety? Why am I so anxious? Why can’t I catch a break? Do we make our luck or are some people just born with it?  Will I ever have peace of mind?  Why doesn’t anyone appreciate me? I have tried everything and I just can’t seem to get there…how can I get my life where I want it to be? How can I stop this awful habit? Why can’t I leave her/him? Why do I keep doing this? Why can’t I leave my job? Am I really stuck? How can I get rid of my jealousy? Is it good to be suspicious? Why does it seem like everyone is happier than me? Why do bad things happen to good people? I have been TRYING SO HARD to stay positive and I don’t see any difference – what am I doing WRONG?????



Lesson from Job(s)

It is our great fortune to have witnessed the personification of so many Truths in the life and achievements or Steve Jobs.  His iconic legacy will be available for all to draw upon when illustrating Natural Law, the governing principles of Creation.  His larger-than-life demonstration of The Power of Pure Potential (aka the Power within), The Power of Intention (focus), The Power of Self-Referral (not accepting conventional wisdom), The Power of  Visualization (imagination), The Powers of Simplicity and  Boldness (‘just do it’), The Power of Detachment (from fear, from the outcome, from the known) brought us closer to understanding that while human, we are also super-human.  If we allow ourselves to seize these Powers, move out of the illusion of safety of our comfort zone and venture forth into the realization of our seemingly miraculous potential, we can, like Steve Jobs, achieve anything we can conceive and believe.
Jobs, sadly, also demonstrated the results of violating these Laws.  Stories of his impertenance are sprinkled throughout accounts of his creative prowess.  In addition to his micro-managing (controlling? autocratic?) leadership style, he was known to belittle people, seek revenge, and harbor grudges.  Whether he was ignorant, defiant or disdainful of such fundamental Laws as The Power of Love, The Power of Attraction, The Power of Compassion, and The Power of Forgiveness, Steve Jobs has left us a few poignant examples of  what happens when we believe we are the Power or that immutable Natural Laws don’t pertain to us.  It is impossible to fool Mother Nature.  We will always reap what we sow.  Pumpkin seeds will never bring forth cherries.  Imagine if he was able to weave the Power of Potential & The Power of Intention with The Powers of Love & Compassion and the Powers of Attraction & Purpose.  He may have inspired the realize-ation of boundless Potential within those he employed.  Empowering others motivated by an absolute trust in the Power of Love without any attachment to the outcome (e.g. not fearing that Knowledge or information is dangerous or belief that your investment in another  may not pay returns) must buoy the leader/teacher exponentially.  It is Law.
Additionally, had he chosen to empower and inspire rather than intimidate, the inescapable Law of Attraction is likely to have drawn far less toxicity to his life experience and perhaps the potential for disease encoded in his DNA could have remained un-real-ized, dormant.  Nature does not compartmentalize; neither do we.  It is impossible!  We cannot have one kind of thought and a different kind of body.  Your body will reflect, measurably, whether you are stressed, angry, grateful or loving, etc.  Make sure that that you employ the Power of Love in all of your intentions, interactions and creations.  The Law of Attraction says we receive back the energy we emit multiplied on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Do you want back what you are giving out?  How would you like it on steroids?

Free Introduction to Meditation

Sunday, October 30, 2011  

The Center for Relaxation & Healing  Chatham,NJ

Alternatively, you may join us live via teleconference.

You choose!  Simply make your selection on the registration page. The details of the teleconference can be found when you register.  Please feel free to invite as many friends as you like and forward this announcement to anyone yoiu know that may benefit from this information.

Stressed?  Anxious?

OverloadOver-thinking?  Angry?  Pressured?

  • Learn why meditation is so important for well-being and peace of mind.
  • Decide whether level one or leveltwo is the most appropriate choice for you:
    1. Simply and effectively change the way you feel employing various medataive relaxation techniques.
    2. Discover the seemingly miraculous, life-changing benefits of a formal meditation practice.
  • 30 minutes will be devoted to Q&A and/or guided meditation as time allows.

Register Now!



becomes a top priority, when one fully understands that form follows thought,
regardless of the thinker’s intention.
We reap what we sew in thought, word and deed, the most potent of which, is thought!




can’t be used in the same sentence.

Whatever we give to or share with our beloved makes us feel

enhanced ~ not at all diminished, depleted or drained.




Stress is the root of all dysfunction in our lives, physically, emotionally or socially. Proper meditation is one of the most powerful antidotes to stress, along with a sense of purpose and meaningful relationships (with ourselves as well as others). With Laura’s guidance, you will learn to effortlessly meditate your way to:
• gain mastery over your inner dialogue
• acquire peace of mind
• sharpen your focus and mental clarity
• improve relationships on all levels (intimate, familial, social and business)
• maintain balance and calm through adversity
• choose your circumstances instead of reacting to them
• experience a profound sense of satisfaction and fullment day to day
• live a life of meaning and purpose

For more information or to register, click the link below:


Click here for details.






Not having to win… IS winning!


Karma: You Asked For It

According to Newton’s third law of motion, “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. People also like to use the phrase “you reap what you sow.” Any farmer will be quick to tell you sowing a pumpkin seed won’t yield corn the next year.

Likewise, if we want to create happiness, we must learn to sow happiness. If we want to be happy, it makes no sense to focus on things that do not make us happy. You need to put your attention on what you do want, rather than what you do not want. This does not mean that we should live in denial of “problems” or situations in our life that we have interpreted as negative. We should simply acknowledge the problem as the result of a seed that had been sown earlier in our life, or even before, and take responsibility for it by attempting to live more positively. Remember, nothing in the universe exists randomly. If we want to experience something different, we will let the negativity and grumbling go and begin putting our attention towards the solution to our problems and what we do want in our life.

Eastern traditions refer to this effect as karma. Karma is action, the interpretation of that action, and the resulting consequence of that action which is also interpreted and recorded in our memory. That memory will then prompt us in future actions. The memory will create a desire for more or less of the particular action.

Think about it: if I have a cup of coffee and perceive that it makes me feel good, I may interpret coffee as a good thing. I will be more likely to have another cup tomorrow. I will most likely continue to have coffee in the morning until I have an experience that will lead me to a different interpretation, memory and desire. If I have a bad reaction to the coffee, I would be less likely to have another cup the next day.

Although Americans have a tendency to describe karma in a negative sense, making bad choices can still lead to a good outcome if you take responsibility for the consequences, learn from them, and use that experience to make better choices in the future. For example, a child makes the decision to touch a hot stove. As a consequence, they are burned and record a negative feeling in their memory. In this way they learn that touching hot things is bad, and will be less likely to repeat this action in the future. Yet, as adults, we tend to turn away from unpleasant consequences in our life, blame others for them, and spend our time running from the resulting issues that arise.

Too often, we can get so bogged down in negative feelings and “karma” that we figure there’s just no way out. But by taking responsibility right then and there for every thought and action that has led you to the point you’re at today, acknowledging that you did play a major role in it (whether positive or negative, regardless of “outside influences”), and choosing to make positive causes for your life, you’ll be able to gain firm control over your actions and generate “positive karma” as you move forward towards your goals.

It Is Better To Give AND Receive

To get the life you want, you need be in the flow of life—in other words, you need to be capable of both receiving and letting go in order to receive again. This is the key: in order to receive again, you have to let go. Using the abusive parent example, if we let go of resentment we are open to receive love and nurturing from wherever it may come. In reality that’s all we really desired, hidden underneath the anger.

We can literally let go of illness as well. We cling to our arthritis, our rheumatism, our sinus congestion, migraines, heartburn, ad infinitum. “My aching <insert body part>!” is a favorite lament of many. Unless we stop giving these conditions such a prominent presence in our lives, we will not be open to receive healing. The way to let go is to figure out just what negative process you’re hanging on to that expresses itself physically through your ailment.

Everything is constantly changing, flowing and evolving. The tree provides the oxygen which literally gives us life and in return we give the tree carbon dioxide that gives it life. We don’t hoard oxygen because we are afraid that one day there won’t be enough for us.

Right now, as you read this, take as deep a breath as you can and hold it. Do not exhale. Hold it as long as you possibly can. Can you feel the burning in your lungs? Hoarding oxygen is in direct opposition to the natural energetic flow of life so it causes discomfort, “dis-ease” if you will. Notice how uncomfortable you feel when you are holding on to aspects of your life that are meant to be let go. Our resistance to change in a universe where the only constant is change is not only inefficient and creating exactly what we do not want, it is insane! To say no to change is to say no to life.

Now exhale as fully as you can. Keep your lungs emptied for as long as you can stand it. Again, do you feel the discomfort that is caused by a refusal to receive? Similarly if you hoard money, it will stagnate and coagulate in your life. The word “affluence” comes from the root “affluere” which means “to flow.” The word affluence means to flow in abundance. Money is a symbol of the life-force; it is a symbol of an exchange of services or values that we provide to the universe. In order to get money you must give something of value. Without giving there is no receiving, and vice versa.

If you are pursuing money for the sake of power or security or some other self-serving cause, you are cutting yourself off from the dynamic flow of the universe. You must be willing to circulate your money so that you will attract more money to you. As soon as you give it, you create a vacuum to receive more. And as long as you know this and are not violating any of the other laws, more will come.

For example, if you are giving in order to get, you’re doing it out of fear you won’t have money in the future. The return will reflect this fear-based motive. Ignorance of the true Source creates the belief or fear that you are losing something when you spend money. This is equivalent to believing that your Source of abundance and affluence is limited. You are giving your energy to what you do not want. This weakened life condition will send out a low vibration picked up by the Source as a request for more of the same.

This does not mean that we should spend irresponsibly thinking that the more we give, the more we will get. It means that you are willing and grateful to pay for services rendered and enjoy responsibly the resources that you have. Sure, there are people who hoard money, and as a result they have a lot of it. However, their unwillingness to let go causes discomfort in other areas of their lives, and undermines the very reason they wanted the money in the first place: security. Furthermore, they are most likely preventing themselves from even greater fortune. Imagine a funnel: if you plug up the hole in the bottom, it limits how much can be absorbed by that particular vessel. If you want to receive money you need to give it.

Pretend you are in a large room with twenty people and the power goes out. There is no light, and no heat. Everyone has candles but yours is the only one that’s lit and there are no matches. Does it make any sense to hoard your source of light and warmth? If you walk around the room and light everyone’s candle, you will have more than you started with. And when you finish lighting everyone’s candle and look down at your own, you realize it hasn’t diminished one bit!

Hoarding harms the one who is hoarding. When you hoard, you get a lot of what you are hoarding; but you don’t get what you really want: peace of mind. The habit of hoarding is caused by an underlying fear, which is what you will continue to attract if you maintain that habit.

If you aren’t able to understand that you are an energetic being vibrating at a frequency that attracts similar energy, you are likely to believe that everything in your life is caused by external factors and is beyond your control. This belief can cause you to mis-create. For example, when someone cuts you off on the freeway, you may feel like an angry victim if you are unaware that your impatience with your partner earlier that morning paved the way for this highway exchange. Yes, your own energy made room in your life for that negativity!

Giving and receiving don’t have to come from the same place. If you send the pendulum in one direction it will return in direct proportion. This silent system is at work below the surface of things. If you do not accept this, you will always feel like an innocent victim with no power over your life. Awareness helps you see that, at the subtle subatomic level, you are causing the situations of your life to happen. If you don’t like being treated poorly, you will be careful not to treat others poorly.

How To Get What You Want

We can tap into the source of everything by overcoming the constant internal monologue of our rational mind through meditation. We can utilize this connection once we’ve established it in our lives by focusing our attention and energy. We can and do influence the source whether we have established a conscious connection or not. This connection strengthens our ability to remain grounded and self-empowered—relying on the real source inside ourselves. By maintaining this connection to the source, our desires are realized with diminishing effort on our part. The time that lapses between our desire and its fulfillment also decreases.

There are multi-dimensional aspects to our lives. First, we are physical beings, bound by the laws of physics and the illusory world made up of atoms that appear, according to our senses, to be solid. The physical world is everything we can see, hear, and experience with our five senses.

But we are also subtle beings. At this level of existence the atoms aren’t quite as densely grouped as they first appeared to be. Therefore, our experience at this level comes in the form of less tangible thoughts and emotions.

On a third, separate level, we are completely intangible beings. This aspect of our being is infinite, something that can’t be defined by space or time. It’s the intelligence that holds us together, the source of all the particles seen in the other aspects of our being. It is that field of power and potential energy known by the field of quantum physics as “waves” of potentiality.

So how do these waves of potentiality turn into particles of information? In other words, how is that potential actualized? How does anything come from nothingness to become something? How do we get what we want?

The answer is simple. As Einstein said, if the answer is simple it’s divine, but complicated answers are constructed by the human mind.

First, our own thoughts transform a “wave” of potentiality into a particle of information. All of our memories and future thoughts are stored as pieces of information, or potentiality, in a virtual filing cabinet. Turning our attention to a certain memory or thought activates that piece of information; with prolonged attention, the energy surrounding it will begin to attract similar particles—or repel them, depending on the positive or negative nature of your attention. The more intense your focus, the greater the likelihood these pieces of information will become solid enough to form as a physical reality in your life.

You are the creator of all your experiences. If you focus on negative events in your past and continually relive the emotional and physical pain associated with it, you begin to attract negative particles into your present experience. This is precisely why bad things happen to good people. If you have a good heart but are held back by fear from past experience, you’re setting yourself up for suffering.

The Source of all thought and emotion is absolute. It has no preferences; it just is. It only knows how to give or create. It gives exactly what we ask it to give based on what we focus on and pour our energy into. This is why fear is so dangerous—it leads us to focus on things we don’t really want, such as illness or failure. If we are fearful of falling ill, the Source only picks up on the subject of our attention and gives it back to us. Law is law, and gravity will not suspend itself because Johnny fell out of the window and never did anything to deserve this.

To start creating a successful life, it’s crucial we are aware and present with ourselves so we know exactly what we are focusing our attention and energy on. Mindfulness is key. We need to be clear with our intentions—if we don’t know where we’re going, we may end up anywhere. Finally, we need to be a witness and observer of our own lives; acting as a third-person observer shifts our awareness to the perspective of the real source, the higher self. This action begins the process of freeing you from the reactive, conditioned mind, as long as you observe without judgment. As you become fully aware of your thoughts and emotions, they will not have as much power over you. You will be able to respond to life more consciously rather than react and regret.

Focusing On Your Life

The first step to enjoying a more successful life is to understand your current behavioral patterns, and determine if you’re living up to your maximum potential in the areas of life that are important to you. In other words: what do you really want in life?

“Your Life Focus” is a tool that will help you identify both the strong points in your life and behavior, as well as areas where you may not feel as fulfilled as you’d like. In this exercise you’ll be able to clearly see the areas that could use improvement.

The center of the wheel represents the number 0 on a scale of 10. The outer edge that runs along the circumference of the circle represents 10. The further you get from the center to that outer edge, the higher the number will be.

Take a moment to copy this wheel on a sheet of paper, complete with lines to separate each section, and label it according to what you see here: Health, Education, and so forth. In each section, draw an arc from left to right at the point that represents the number you feel most accurately reflects your life at the moment. Repeat this process until there’s a line in every section at the number you feel is accurate. Here’s a brief description of a few sections and their practical applications to get you started:

Health: physical fitness and general health.

Education: ongoing learning and and expansion of the intellect. Your brain is a muscle, and like all muscles, it will atrophy if not stretched. Do you exercise it regularly and challenge it with new ideas or experiences?

Self: personal development, such as motivation and self-awareness.

Play: usually known as “me time”, used for recreation, hobbies and leisure activities.

Career: your professional success as well as professional satisfaction. Do you love your job, or do you dread waking up each day to go to work?

Wealth: finances and material possessions. Do you have money but deny yourself certain conveniences you would enjoy? Do you have enough money to maintain a comfortable lifestyle?

Contribution: a sense of purpose and satisfaction at what you contribute to society. How does your life and career contribute to the improvement of the world around you?

Now, take a look at the results of the exercise. Do the lines meet up for a well-rounded, balanced life? Or is it staggered and uneven? Think of it like a bicycle tire: would it roll smoothly down the street, or would you be in for a bumpy ride? Being aware of your life’s current focus offers you the power to improve areas that need more attention, while maintaining the areas you’re satisfied with.

On a separate sheet of paper, write down the section names again and what you really want to accomplish with each one. Be honest with yourself, as that will ultimately help you achieve these goals. What’s blocking you from realizing your potential in each section? Write these down as well.

Rather than trying to tackle several sections at once, concentrate on one or two areas at a time and give yourself 90 days to focus your attention on them. This way the change will occur more naturally, allowing you to sustain it. Remember, fire burns brightly and is a spectacular sight, but will die just as quickly; water flows more subtly, but can stay the same course year after year. When you’re satisfied with your progress in a particular area and know you can sustain that change, move onto the next section.